| Adventurers! is just a legend in its own right. Life in a console RPG. |
 | RPG World is like Adventurers! with more story. |
Desperate Angels | A fantasy webcomic with great character design and lots of other cool stuff! |
DaemonEye Publishing | A place I work for, doing d20 material. There's free stuff! |
 | Bruno the Bandit is a neverending wellspring of modern satire.Odd, because it's a fantasy epic. |
 | Sluggy Freelance. Insanity. Plot. Read from the beginning. It's worth it. |
Polymer City Chronicles | The first place to post my fanart, hence responsible for the existance of Dungeon Damage. Alienesque hijinks and big women. |
 | From one of my best online friends. If you like Buffy or Angel, read it. Heck, even if you don't you should still read it; that's kind of the point. Master of Deadspace. |
 | OK, so there's this cyborg, and a planet of were-creatures, and adult content. I read it, I figure I should link it. |
Penny Arcade | Heh heh heh. Those crazy fellows. It's about games... sometimes. |
 | A superhero with an alter ego. Thought-provoking and very good. |
8-Bit Theater | The cast of Final Fantasy as you've never seen them. Yes, that's FF1.
PvP | My kind of culture, as portrayed by Scott Kurtz. The man can annoy more people than anyone else alive. |
KeenLace | People in underwear. I submitted a piece I'd already posted here. Guess which one? I'm so cheap. |
Brunswick | It's got talking animals in it. It's done by a fellow Wellingtonian. It's got History. You know it's good for you. |
Red Lexi | More fantasy goodness. Bishounen, great hair... And they sent me art. |
Fantasy Parody Saga | A tale of urban misfits and some altogether stranger stuff. Like city witches. |
 | Another New Zealander's comic, apparently based on the music of the Clean but as I've never heard them I can neither confirm nor deny the veracity of this claim. I gotta get out more. |
Goth Boy Mo | Who would have though angst could be so fun? |
Kitsunes and Dragons | That which was once Weavers of Fate, one of my first links. Manga-style. |
 | Link me with this! It's only 2Kb, it won't hurt. Unless you DON'T! |